Trucks — Ford Transmission Problems | Presented by Stern Law, PLLC

Ford 10 Speed Automatic Transmission Problems


Buying a vehicle is often one of the most expensive, and important, decisions and investments a person can make in life. When that vehicle is tied explicitly to the work and/or business necessary to both pay for the vehicle, as well as everyday life, it is a critical decision. Auto manufacturers, as a result, tie much of their advertising and language to the resilience and dependability of their trucks and sports utility vehicles as a result. They wish to sell the idea their product is a long-term investment by the consumer into themselves. Unfortunately, far too many Ford truck owners have found themselves sold something far less than what was advertised.

The Ford truck transmission problems plaguing a variety of model years in the company’s lineup is not only a blight on the manufacturer’s reputation, but also a massive challenge in the lives of their customers. While Ford transmission problems have been a recurring issue, that they are now being exposed in the company’s most “proud” lineup is even more surprising. As the company looked to cut costs and introduce unique transmissions in their car lineup, the public seemingly accepted this as a consequence of fuel economy battles and a possible consequence of midlevel pricing. That Ford transmission problems could emerge in the company’s “Built Ford Tough” lineup is almost shocking. Yet it’s the reality, again, for far too many customers and owners of these vehicles.

The 10 speed automatic transmission used in a variety of Ford trucks has been identified as problematic and failure prone by consumers to dealerships nationwide, but also in national coverage (link to press). There is no denying that Ford Motor Company is aware of the problems consumers are experiencing. Yet, despite these issues, there has been no widespread fix or relief for those who have issues. Instead, as has been the case all too often, the manufacturer has pushed the literal and figurative bill for their errors and shortcomings onto consumers. That the vehicles were heavily marketed as resilient, dependable tools for life and trade but allowed to fail at unacceptable rates is… unacceptable. Far too many current and former owners have faced avoidable and unfortunate consequences due to the engineering choices of a few.

Symptoms of transmission failure can include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Shuddering at the point of acceleration 

  • Inability to reach desired speed 

  • Gear lockout

  • Failure to start

  • Shifter “lockout” or being “stuck in park”

  • Hesitation from a stopped position

  • Sluggish performance, including during towing

  • “Check engine” light

  • “Juddering,” which involves shaking of the vehicle during normal operation

  • Loss of power or failure to engage 

  • And more

Each of these issues can make daily commuting a concerning, even unsafe, challenge.  Accidents and "near-misses" have occasionally  even been reported. However, that these vehicles are commonly used by professional for business, often requiring specific performance levels, makes any of the above a major problem. 

That these issues have been so prevalent makes it unsurprising a class action law firm filed suit against Ford for the failures of this transmission. To be clear, we are not a class action firm and are not filing a class action. Instead, what may be a surprise for too many, though, is that any settlement reached by that firm will undoubtedly impact all current and former owners of these vehicles after a short period of time. With cases like this, a settlement reached between class counsel and Ford is assumed to be accepted by anyone who does not directly, in a legal document, notify the court of their rejection of its terms. Such settlements are “opt out based,” meaning rather than express interest in the terms to be included, a person must opt out in order to avoid those terms. We have seen a wide range of class action settlements in our history and while some may resolve a simple issue with a  resolution we have also seen class settlements surrounding transmission issues go disastrously for those affected. And to the benefit of the manufacturer who enters into the deal knowing their liability will be significantly reduced by forcing plaintiffs to go through hoops in hopes of any compensation.

The vehicles involved in the class action are as follows:

  • 2017 to present Ford F-150

  • 2017 to present Ford Expedition

  • 2017 to present Ford Ranger

  • 2017 to present Ford Mustang

  • 2017 to present Lincoln Navigator

A class settlement has not been reached yet in this matter. We cannot guarantee that a resolution will be reached in that case that provides current and former owners the compensation they deserve. History has shown us that the last major class settlement involving Ford and transmissions resulted in mandatory arbitration that forced current and former owners to participate in an all-or-nothing legal process that left far too many with nothing. By comparison, those who opted out were able to pursue legal claims in a court of law and seek all options, including a cash settlement, to fully address their actual damages. We believe everyone has the right to make a decision on what legal option works best for them but also see the need to be proactive in ensuring the public is aware of how a class action could drastically and negatively impact their lives and their legal rights surrounding such a major life investment. We intend to follow this class action matter and, if appropriate, provide legal representation to current and former owners of these vehicles as they seek to opt out and pursue individual claims outside of the class settlement for all the compensation they deserve instead of what little if any relief may be provided in a class settlement.

Stern Law has been very successful in assisting individuals who otherwise faced harmful or less-than-helpful class settlements to pursue individual claims against the manufacturer. Our history of helping those who have been harmed dates back decades and we bring this spirit of fairness and justice to each claim we handle. At no out of pocket cost, these claims for current and former owners seek compensation for those who were unaware they were being sold  a vehicle with transmission defects the manufacturer was aware of but never revealed to purchasers before selling the vehicle. This may result in a claim to refund the purchase price or damages for lost value, repair expenses and more. We help each client use their voice to speak out on improper business practices that have harmed them, presenting an alternative to a class settlement they feel is inadequate or fails to account for their needs.

For more information on preserving and protecting your rights before a class action settlement limits them, contact Stern Law today by clicking here or call (844) 808-7529. Our firm has extensive experience working on behalf of current and former Ford owners that wish to see justice for the engineering and manufacturing decisions the company has made. We look forward to speaking with you soon!


Important Disclaimer: The information presented above is a reflection of the opinions of Stern Law, PLLC. The ideas and observations presented should be carefully reviewed and/or considered by you and attorneys/legal representations with whom we recommend you speak with when weighing your legal options. Despite the views and opinions presented herein, our firm believes that each client’s circumstances, and legal case is different, and that nothing presented should be taken as an assurance or reflect a guarantee of successful litigation. Each individual owner must reflect on their particular circumstances when weighing whether to opt out of an eventual class settlement in order to sue Ford Motor Company directly in an individual claim. Anyone wishing to learn more about the ongoing Ford Mustang MT82 class action case can speak to the class action law firm by clicking here or in calling (310) 556-4811. This website and analysis should not be considered an attempt to present legal services or solicit clients by Stern Law, PLLC, in the event said potential litigants are currently represented by another attorney in this matter.